Monday, 1 November 2010


David Bukingham
- talking about how kids are getting dumber because schools are teaching about homer simpsons. He said that they should stop teaching stuff like this and start teaching shakespear as they will benefit more with that.
- was talking about how people think that media is a waste of time and there is no point of studying such a subject but also said that its not as its helping people learn alot and is boosting up their confidence and are getting more knowledge about technology.
- also said that teching kids about homer simpsons rather than shakespear is influence kids to go against the wish to study.
- he talked about how people think that media is the kind of subject that does not teach kids anything and so there is no point in kids going uni to study this subject. Although he said that research shows that high % of people get a job in media after goin uni.

- she talked about convergence in the media and how that is affecting us.
- she talked about web 2.o and web 1.o and was pointing out how the books would die out
- she said that a good theorist to look up at would be David Gauntlett who was gave the information that we are in control of the media
- the list of people that she gave to research on were:

  • David Gauntlett
  • Sonia Livingstone
  • Annette Hill
  • Michael Wesch
  • Dan Gillmore
  • Graeme Turner

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