Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Representing men:

'Biology and society are never seprate - they mutually constitute each other. Hence, the 'true facts' of biology are never pristine and uninterpreted. They are always mediated. The 'facts' of sexual difference are 'facts' by virtue of...generalized belief...
pg 4 (Brittan, 1989, p. 14)

'The more he resorts to his body as proof of his virility, the more he 'unmans' himself, in effect admitting that his only asset in his body - the traditional position of female stars'
pg 6 (Healey, 1994, p. 88)

'Men nurture their society by shedding their bloo, their sweat, and their semen, by bringing home food for both child and mother, by producing children, and by dying if necessary in faraway places to provide a safe haven for their people. This, too, is nurturing n the sense of endowing or increasing'
pg 10 (Gilmore, 1990, p. 230)

'on the other hand, it is broadly true that men's studies is largely the creation of pr-feminist males. Fred Fejes, for example, discerned men's studies as sharing or adapting the following feminist characteristics: the assumption that gender, not excepting masculinity, is a social and cultural, not biological, phenomenon; recjection of the perspective of the male sex role, traditional in social science research'
pg 17 (Fejes, 1989, p. 216)

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